IG Index
Website Rebrand
Social Media Design
Display Design
Advertising Campaigns
Wolff Olins
Company rebrand, IG, IG Prime and IG Group
IG has big ambitions. To become the world's leading trading platform. A refreshed brand now stands out in this crowded market. Appealing to not just existing traders but going beyond to attract the 'entrepreneurially-minded' and bring new people into this often, intimidating category.
“Invest in yourself as much as you can; you are your own biggest asset by far.”
Warren Buffett
IG Retail: Desktop and mobile redesign
IG's website has been totally redesigned. The new branding style has been implemented to include new logo, font, colours, components and imagery.
Visual Design
Digital Design
Old IG logo
New IG logo
Supporting assets
A new set of icons have been designed. Infographics to help support articles and SEO have been redesigned and 'boilerplates' to act as a taglines to help tie IG to trading.
Icon Design
Infographic Templates
Boilerplate Design
Trading and Academy apps
Updated screen designs using the new font and redesigned icons for IG Trading and IG Academy.
App Branding
App Store Design
Icon Design
Old & new IG Trading icon
Old & new IG Academy icon
The progression grid
The progression grid is the underlying framework for almost every piece of IG design. It is always 3x4 (flipped for portrait vs. landscape) and can stretch to fit any dimensions.
Email templates
Email templates have been designed for desktop and mobile, to use in Salesforce CRM system with a library of global imagery to select.
Email Templates
Library of Global Imagery
Print templates
The new grid system allows for flexibility of design and speed of production.
Design Direction
InDesign Templates
Display banner automation
Partnered with Ad-lib, a new way of designing and delivering global display banners has been implemented. The new templates created reduce design time and increase production.
Creative Templates
Full suite of global designs and sizes
“Do more of what works and less of what doesn't.”
Steve Clarke
IG Prime: Desktop and mobile redesign
For IG Prime a completely new website was created. The design follows the global rebranding style and uses new imagery to tell the partnership story.
Design Direction
Visual Design
Digital Design
Primary logo
Supporting assets
A new set of icons have been designed to align with IG Retail. A catalogue of people, places, faces and 'boilerplates' to act as taglines has been produced.
Icon Design
Library of Global Imagery
Boilerplate Design
Email templates
Email templates have been designed for desktop and mobile, to use in Salesforce CRM system with a library of global imagery to select.
Email Templates
Library of Global Imagery
Brand campaign
The creative uses the same new design grid system that IG has adapted. IG Prime uses the gris system by combining blocks for its own unique style. Imagery reflects the partnership between clients and IG. The copy reinforces the personal service and robust technology.